Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby Nevyn72 » Tue Jul 20, 2021 7:35 pm

ManiacLachy wrote:Image

If it's like that then here's the TLDR version.....

Sold the old MX5.
Bought a replacement.
It's Red.
Picture -> :ND:
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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby ManiacLachy » Wed Jul 21, 2021 9:01 am

But it's sweet sweet torture!

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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby Nevyn72 » Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:40 pm

Thursday night, while flat out at work I got a message.....

The owner was asking if it was ok if she gave me a call.... *Gulp*

Being ever the optimist I assumed that the call, well before when it was expected, was to say she didn't need any more time, she wasn't going to sell... I couldn't have been more wrong! :mrgreen:

She announced that she had decided to sell to me and we needed to sort out the details.
To start off we agreed on a price, slightly below the already very reasonable asking price to allow for some of my out of pocket expenses, and I got some bank details and fired off a deposit to seal the deal. This is starting to get real...

Next was the logistics, I am in Sydney, she in regional Queensland, I had a few days off to work with, the next day, Friday through to the following Wednesday inclusive. Should be easy, right? :|
Ummm, there was actually quite a bit to get done as it turns out...

First was the when, as I mentioned she was going away for the weekend so that was out. Then she was too busy on the Monday, so we settled on Tuesday, it's starting to get a bit tight for going back to work on Thursday, although it was a late Thursday evening sign-on.
As it turns out I needed most of the intervening time to sort 'stuff' out! :roll:

So first order was transport, the what, when and where. I settled on 3 legs being the fastest way to get there, Taxi -> Plane -> Bus.
A direct flight from Sydney was possible but for some reason had two legs, with a layover in Cairns and added ~5 hours! :shock:
So a 5am pickup by the airport shuttle, a 6:30am flight and an 8:50am bus to arrive at 11:45am.
Booked and paid for... Done! I let the owner know the details and she agreed to meet me on arrival at the bus interchange.

Now just to keep things in perspective, I was flying on faith at this stage, never having seen the vehicle and made it clear that the transaction was subject to inspection. If there were issues I would just have to turn around and bus it back to BrizVegas. :frown:

Next was payment, she worked at a Mazda dealership and had seen just how insecure Bank Cheques are, so that was out. Bank transfer? Our respective banks wouldn't allow for direct transfer of such a large amount instantaneously and I had no interest in waiting around for a couple of days for the funds to clear, so nope. Ummm, cash? That's the most viable option... Yikes!
So the first job on Friday was to head down to the local branch and book a stupidly large cash withdrawal for Monday. Despite being completely legal it's amazing how difficult they made this. :roll:

Everything else was just logistics;
- Finalise transport arrangements
- Organise insurance
- Get roadside assistance coverage (just in case).
- Choose a route home and sort out accommodation on the return journey. I have some friends near Lismore I haven't seen in ages so easy choice.
- Roadworthy authority

The roadworthy ended up being a bit of a saga in it's own right.
The owner wasn't willing to let me travel on the Qld rego and cancel it when I got home, despite offering to hand over a signed document accepting all liabilities for traffic infringements and tolls incurred during the journey. So an unregistered vehicle permit would be required, with the attendant hassle of driving around with no plates. Hey Mr Police-person... Pick Me! Pick Me! :?

As it turns out every state has their own version of an unregistered vehicle permit, each with their own rules, conditions and fees. So long as you either start or complete the journey in the issuing state they are valid nationwide.
Much to my astonishment the NSW one was a far better deal than the Qld version, must be some sort of mistake...
Qld -> $90 for the first day, then $40 for each day after that.
NSW -> $28 for up to 28 days inclusive of CTP insurance, just travel by the most direct route.

On Monday, after battling with Sydney traffic to get to one of the few 'Service for NSW' facilities (now there's an oxymoron if ever I've seen one!) to get the unregistered vehicle permit, it was down to the bank for round 2.
They were still being difficult and seemed genuinely upset that the seller wasn't willing to accept a bank cheque... Listen, she isn't so just give me my money! Sheesh. :?

Then, with a death grip on my backpack, it was home for an attempted early night, and a good nights sleep.... yeah, good luck with that knucklehead! :roll:, tomorrow was going to be a very long day...

Last job was a quick message to the seller to confirm we were still on for Tuesday.
Mercifully she responded relatively quickly with a yes and off to bed!

Next Episode: Looks like I've found the right car! Now to bring it home. :wink:
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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby greenMachine » Sun Jul 25, 2021 3:57 pm


For next time, or the next person doing this, do the money thing at the point of transaction. When I sold GM v2, we went to the buyer's bank, he drew out the cash (like you, being from afar he had made the arrangements from home), I counted it before trousering it, walked across the road and deposited it in my bank. That made the whole 'carrying-around-far-too-much-cash-to-feel-comfortable' feeling go away. It wasn't as much as you would have needed, but it was still a big lump for me.

Was there a reason you did it that way? No way would I have done what you did :shock: :shock:

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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby Nevyn72 » Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:09 pm

greenMachine wrote:Was there a reason you did it that way? No way would I have done what you did :shock: :shock:

Unfortunately my bank is NSW only and hers was Qld only.... :roll:
She suggested doing an online transfer 2 days early and if I wasn't happy she would just transfer it back, errrr.... not going to happen! :shock:

Instantaneous transfer setups through the NPP system like PayID & Osko are still very hit and miss with every bank having different transaction limits (both in and out) and not everyone recognising everyone else. When I asked whether she had something setup she asked what's PayID & Osko? Well that ends that idea.... :?

For such a large amount of money it was a surprisingly small pile of notes....

PS> Thank God for automated money counting machines, I was going cross-eyed checking the amount when I got home!
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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby Nevyn72 » Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:15 pm

Ironically, the previous time I bought a car, to replace the 323 Astina, was at a dealership for a similar amount to the MX5...

I actually used eftpos. :shock:
That's right, swipe the card, hit savings, type in the PIN and hit enter, just like buying groceries, it was a bit surreal. :|
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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby greenMachine » Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:11 pm

Aaaah, that makes more sense.

Most banks have 'corresponding' banks where they are not represented. You were under the pump to get it all sorted, but in a more relaxed timeframe, it would have been worth enquiring about what arrangements might have been possible with one of the big four, whichever had a branch in her town. I am in a similar situation with my electronic-only bank, I'd hope that if ever I needed to do the same, the fact I have three credit cards, each with a different 'big 4' bank, would provide a means of shifting the money around and accessing it where I needed it. Maybe. :frown:

Whatever, it worked, and now you can enjoy the fruits of your transaction!

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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby luzinit » Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:27 pm

Congrats!! Seems like a good buy and good story along with it as well. NDs are great cars, it's amazing how comfortable and spacious they feel, despite being about as long as NA.

Btw I've got a brand new Kuroi boot spoiler if you're interested, installed a garage vary one on mine. Reading your post reminded me I had it lying around in the box in my garage somewhere..

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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby Nevyn72 » Mon Jul 26, 2021 8:52 am

luzinit wrote:Btw I've got a brand new Kuroi boot spoiler if you're interested, installed a garage vary one on mine. Reading your post reminded me I had it lying around in the box in my garage somewhere..

PM sent! :mrgreen:
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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby Nevyn72 » Sun Sep 05, 2021 5:58 pm was home for an attempted early night, and a good nights sleep.... yeah, good luck with that knucklehead!...


The alarm goes off...

Who needs a good night's sleep before a 16 hour day anyway? :frown:

Step 1: Coffee, lots of coffee!
Step 2: Don't forget the money!
Step 3: A long hot shower...
Step 4: Don't forget to pack the money!
Step 5: Pack a small bag with the minimum for a short 2 day trip.
Step 6: Also pack the money!
Step 7: Have a quick feed and write a list of things to take.
Step 8: Write another note to not forget the money!! :roll:
Step 9: Put the note beside my phone and wallet.
Step 10: Put the other note about the money with it, underlined.
Step 11: Find a highlighter and colour in the note about the money.... :?

Before I knew it the airport shuttle pulled up outside the house and it was time to go...
I grabbed my small backpack (carry-on luggage only for this flight) and headed for the door.
In case you were wondering, I didn't forget the money! :mrgreen:
I almost forgot my facemask though... :oops:

Being stupid-o'clock in the morning it was a fairly clear run into the airport which, given current circumstances, was almost deserted. The poor owner/driver said he wasn't getting many airport jobs and needed to supplement by filling in time between the rare bookings with whatever Uber jobs he could score... There's a lot of people hurting out there with these constant lockdowns and travel restrictions.

Upon entering the terminal I made two unfortunate discoveries...
1) I would now be wearing a mask for the next 6 or so hours continuously.
2) The automated check-in didn't recognise my ticket, or just didn't like me, or probably both! :frown:

Fortunately there was a helpful sign right there, saying the helpful staff should be approached in this situation and they would be, ummm... helpful.

I flagged the nearest helpful staff person down and she asked "Murph dur hurp do shuff?"
I replied "Fornt hist dip huut murd poop!"...Talking through facemasks is so much fun...
Given we both just had confused looks on our faces I pointed at the recalcitrant check-in kiosk and comprehension dawned on her face.

She immediately started looking toward the baggage check-in counters, scanning the staff, probably deciding who to dump this problem on.
I immediately started looking relieved, despite being considered a problem to be inflicted.
In short order she decided which of her colleagues would have to deal with me, they didn't look happy about it, I wasn't happy about it, the only happy one was the helpful one who had helped then hopped away...

Anyway the somewhat annoyed looking girl at the baggage counter cheered up no end when she discovered all she had to do was generate a boarding pass and open the gate for me. I offered to be more difficult if that would satisfy expectations but she declined, I was relieved, the gate opened... Here was my mighty chariot of the skies!


I hadn't been on a plane in nearly a decade so was looking forward to this flight, despite only being a bit over an hour long.
I paid extra for the fat bastard seat, I made sure I got a window seat, I also made sure it was on the Western side of the plane so I could enjoy the view and not be blinded by the rising sun! Onwards! :mrgreen:

Next Episode: I've got to get there first, before I can bring it home... :|
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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby ManiacLachy » Mon Sep 06, 2021 1:50 pm

Glad to hear you weren't concerned about the money :mrgreen:

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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby Lokiel » Tue Sep 07, 2021 9:21 am

Lucky for you airlines are more concerned about Covid-19 now than terrorists.
I was travelling a lot in the US just after 911 and "surprisingly" got pulled aside at nearly every check-in after scanning my ticket, even it was the 2nd leg of an adjoining flight (I guess I matched a profile of a foreigner travelling on his own doing lots of short trips between major cities). They made me empty my pockets and went through my suitcase.
You could have been waiting quite a while in a locked room after explaining to airport security why you were carrying so much cash, then need to have your story fully verified.
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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby mx5lover » Mon Sep 13, 2021 9:53 am

Congratulation on the new ND, looks great.
Waiting for next episode 8)

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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby bruce » Mon Sep 13, 2021 11:20 am

This belongs in the 'Never ending story' thread.

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Re: Scarlett - ND RF Ltd. Goodness

Postby ManiacLachy » Mon Sep 13, 2021 12:48 pm

Hey, where was last night's weekly update?!

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