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Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:27 am
by greenMachine
There is data and data. You run a PS1000 right? That logs engine-related data - everything connected to the ECU can be logged, lots of useful stuff there, but not much related to driver performance (though rpm can be a surrogate for speed) but the TPS will show throttle opening/closing. Most recent ECUs have this capacity.

For car performance (ie driver development), you need a GPS/accelerometer based system that will log speeds/acceleration ('g') - these show when/how much you are accelerating/braking, and can also be used to show your lines through corners on a track map. These come in many forms, some in a 'digital dash' form (see Magpie's many posts on his Racepak system, which come in logging form like mine or display-only like his), some phone-based, some as a separate 'black box'. Some are cheap and nasty, some are horrendously expensive (to us, maybe not the pros). Ideally they not only provide the data not supplied by your ECU, but also integrate the ECU data so that you have a single source to interrogate/display ALL data. One way or another, you pull the data from the recorder (dash, phone, black box, etc) and use your computer and specialised software to create the graphs, maps etc.

Data can be overwhelming to the beginner - there is so much to look at, to understand, to play with. It is therefore important to know what you want to prioritise - in your case car speed (driver going faster).

I suggest a new thread along the lines of 'thinking about data to help me improve my driving, what system best for me' to get some input/advice on the options, costs etc.

Pro tip 1: Pick a system used by somebody you can easily consult with to help you along the learning curve.

Pro tip 2: Pick a system that integrates the ECU data - you have too much invested in that engine not to be monitoring what is happening inside it. It may not be your priority right now, but it will be good insurance.


Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:35 pm
by Ned Loh
Sit down with a cuppa and read this ... riving.pdf

Not all of it can apply to a simple set up, but you will start to get an idea.

Don't need to spend a lot of money. Data from Harry's lap timer (phone based app) can be imported into Vbox Circuit tools software (free). Try that and see how you go. From there get a better gps for your phone and the data gets more resolution. Many many options after that but no need to discuss at this point in time.

PLENTY of people running the above and the chances are high that someone can share their data with you.

Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:30 pm
by ianoz
this thread was a good read on data acquisition, with some videos.

Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:48 pm
by davekmoore
Double entered at Winton on Sunday.

Brendan Beavis did a 1:34 and I managed a 1:36. Brendan's time was 3 seconds quicker than he'd ever done in his remarkable n/a aero car. Mine was 4 seconds quicker than I'd ever done in BARMY in his present spec. I reckon my gain was partly due to Assetto Corsa. Or being determined to be within shouting distance of Brendan. Mind you, he was driving an unfamiliar car and I reckon he'd be more concerned about keeping it on the black stuff than he would with his own car. I reckon he'd have at least another 2 seconds spare overall. And another second with more brake cooling.

BARMY did 52 laps with 34 of them being under 1:40. In a welcome trend for 2017 all he needed on the day was the repeated replacement of the power steering belt until we swapped it for a new one. So that seems to be a new maintenance item - probably every 5-6 events.

Overall in the year so far I think the only "failures" have been a broken gear linkage and 4 failed lug nuts. The gear linkage was solved short-term by a replacement gearbox. The fix of the first 'box might be very cheap. Replacement lug nuts were cheap. Potentially much cheaper than if I'd ignored the tiny noise (no vibration at all) at 240kmph at turn 1 at Phillip Island.

Future plans include more seat time, better data, more brake cooling, maybe more track-oriented suspension, maybe some aero, lose some weight (me and the car). The brake cooling is the priority for the car because Brendan agrees with me that in long braking events from high speeds the brakes work great for about the first 75% of the stop and then the pads and rotors overheat causing all feel to go from the still-solid pedal and the car to slow down at an increasingly lesser rate just as you're wanting to turn in. At best this makes it difficult to get into a groove. At worst it means you miss the corner. OR you brake too early, and that's no fun.

Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:54 pm
by beavis
Very kind of Dave to offer to let me pilot his rocket ship again, and for the first time at a proper track event.
I should emphasise the 'rocket ship' part as the power delivery is impressive, and as the car hits around 3-4k rpm it really moves.
Despite having dríven the car in the past, I was genuinely surprised with the power when I first put my foot down... that said, it doesn't take long to get used to it. Eventually it becomes a natural feeling.

Impressively reliable, and relatively easy to drive, all things considered. It was a unique experience to be able to quite easily rocket past almost every other car on the day... and in an MX-5!

Some observations:
Wheelspin for the left rear seemed common in the tight corners - so perhaps a diff upgrade is in order. Although the single spinning does mean you aren't wrestling with a car that's sliding sideways. Brakes need some help, maybe its just cooling, perhaps they need a change of pads. That will require some trial and error to see, but the symptoms were: good solid feel in slower braking sections but they would suffer when braking after a long straight.
I notice a real unusual bounciness through the cleavage, I'd love to hear if other MX-5ers have the same issue there or if it's just this cars softer suspension struggling with the power and grip through that section. I've not dríven any other car through there since the resurface.

Nonetheless, here's Dave's best lap for the day:

Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:34 pm
by speed
Looks like a very neat lap. Well done.
Did Brendan drive barmy or Dave (lightyear's) car?

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Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:46 pm
by davekmoore
Brendan drove BARMY. Quickly got up to speed in possibly the most different MX-5 that you could get to his own. And went 2 seconds quicker than me.

Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:35 pm
by lightyear
If you compare that to my NB8B with your old SE turbo on it, you can see how much harder yours pulls. I only got 2 flying laps before traffic. So a 1:32 was all I could get. Your top speed is 180, faster than mine, even tho I brake much later. Looks like your driving it well.

Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 9:12 pm
by rascal
lightyear wrote:If you compare that to my NB8B with your old SE turbo on it, you can see how much harder yours pulls. I only got 2 flying laps before traffic. So a 1:32 was all I could get. Your top speed is 180, faster than mine, even tho I brake much later. Looks like your driving it well.

Yours has way more aero though, which helps everywhere. (and your brakes work too.....)

Though agree that Dave Moore is starting get his mojo happening in the drivers seat...

Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 9:53 pm
by beavis
rascal wrote:Though agree that Dave Moore is starting get his mojo happening in the drivers seat...

Lets be honest, when the game asked to choose a difficulty level... DaveKMoore chose 'hard mode'.
Going for the almost crazy levels of power approach in an MX-5 as opposed to the sub 100kw that most every other MX-5 has... is certainly to be respected. Not to mention the persistence with the issues that come with this sort of build.

It's great to see the car is now starting to do the times it deserves.

Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:09 am
by davekmoore
Just 2c's worth from me, and note I'm making no apology for not being Ayrton Senna or Frank Williams as I go along to these events with no god given talent, no mechanical aptitude and only a single working bloke's budget and just aim to have as much fun as I can .......

lightyear is 10kmph quicker all the way round the sweeper and in other places because of a combination of:
1. Driver skill.
2. Driver bravery?
3. Aero makes for more downforce thus more grip thus more speed through corners.

He's only 2kmph slower on the main straight partly because despite (relatively!) less power he's much more aggressive round the two corners before it due to the same three factors, plus accelerating for longer because of braking later because he seems to know exactly what to expect from his brakes, and uses them perfectly to get down to a speed where he can turn in at the perfect spot.

Maybe the aero also reduces drag compared with the heavy and billowy mohair hood on BARMY?

Consistent predicable brakes, more skill, and less power mean lightyear can hit turn-in points more accurately and get on all the available power earlier than I can.

The only similarities between lightyear's car and mine are that they're both MX-5s, have turbos and are silver. BARMY presently has too much power for his own or my good. You'll see the limitations of the brakes in the video, and you'll hear my crude attempts at right foot traction control. He might one day get properly working brakes, and a diff that puts all the power down (with added sidewaysness!), and some lightness, blah, blah, but the three factors above are unlikely to happen.

beavis was, as expected, quicker than me in BARMY, without trying too hard because the car isn't his. lightyear was quicker again in his own very different car. So I'll be studying both videos and aiming to close the skill gap. Not too sure about the bravery gap though.

beavis also tells me his data shows my imaginary "best sectors" lap is a second quicker again, which is encouraging, and I'll bet I can get some of that from consistent brakes, which I reckon are a bigger help to a less skilful driver like me than to someone really good. Then maybe more to come from watching the other videos.

Bring on Sandown on the 2nd.

Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 8:32 am
by speed
Dave, thanks for clarifying.
I was impressed with your lap and your car sounds amazing.
Look forward to seeing more.
Keep up the good work :)

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Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:14 am
by NitroDann
TOO MUCH power?

Sounds like a testimonial Dave !



Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:37 am
by davekmoore
Yes Dann. You get gently referenced fairly regularly.

Re: Dave's SE - REBORN

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:55 am
by NitroDann